Colombia Rivera


The farm is situated in the area of El Carmen just outside the town of Piendamo. The farm is 18 hectares in total with 10 hectares of coffee growing area producing Castillo, Pink Bourbon, Colombia, and Cenicafé 1.

2 hectares that are left to natural forest and then the other 6 hectares are used for raising cattle. This naturally processed lot undergoes tank fermentation for 48 hours before being silo dried at 28 Celsius. Drying is paused at 16 hours and the temperature is raised to 37 degrees until 20% humidity is reached. Finally, further fermentation takes place in sealed plastic drums for 24 hours, then parabolic drying is used to achieve 10% humidity.


Esneider Rivera is the producer and owner of the farm El Libano. He's part of the ACC Association (associación de Caficultores del Centro del Cauca por la Paz) which is a non-profit organization that was created in 2016 in Piendamó, Cauca. The purpose of the association has always been improving the coffee quality, going all the way from the crop until the commercialization of the coffee, where improving these aspects will have a social impact on the region. Improving the well-being of the peasant families, taking care of the environment, and trying to find peace in our territory. ACC has 77 associates with an average of 1.5 hectares of land that range between 1,700 and 2,100 meters above sea level, where every member that has joined is a believer of the power of associations, where the main goal is to fight against poverty and social conflicts in the region. The association helps members with commercial strategies and crop-related technology; although every member has the chance to decide how to process his coffee with innovative fermentations. The coffee varieties the members grow are castillo, cenicafé, Tabi, Bourbon, caturra and colombia. Most of the drying is done through parabolic and mechanical silos. The association has a storage facility (not owned - rented) in Piendamó, right beside the coffee purchase centre. In this facility, there is a coffee laboratory that has all the equipment needed for coffee selection and cupping - done by a Q-Grader.

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