Vannelli Coffee Academy mission is to be the point of reference for Barista and Coffee Lovers. Thanks to our educational programs, we follow our students step by step with our Authorized Trainers.

SCA Official courses
Sca (Specialty Coffee Association) has Authorized Sca Trainers all around the world that spread knowledge and passion about coffee world throughout a special educational program named Coffee Skill Program. At the end of each course, the participants are examined to get SCA certification. It is possible to attend the following modules at our Coffee Academy:
Introduction to Coffee
Introduction to Coffee is a module of our Coffee Academy to get an overview about the coffee world. From the crop to the cup.
SCA Brewing Skills
It’s a course focused on the knowledge of various extraction methods and the brewing variables that affect quality.
SCA Sensory Skills
A course that explains in a practical and interactive way the sensorial evaluation. Sensory skills explore the way people perceive what they taste, how to evaluate coffee’s natural characteristics and implementing this knowledge in business.
SCA Barista Skills
This module brings into focus the practical skills behind the bar: the student learns how to set a grinder, milk foaming techniques and latte art, health and safety, customer service and basic business practices.
Latte Art Grading System
Latte Art Grading Courses are available at our facility and participants can reach all levels (called as gradings):
White Grading
Patterns to Perform :
- 1 Rosetta with at least 6 elements
- 1 Tulip with at least 3 elements
Orange Grading
Patterns to perform:
- 2 cappuccino with tulip at least 4 elements
- 1 cappuccino with rosetta with at least 8 elements
- 1 espresso with tulip with at least 3 elements
Green grading
Patters to perform:
- 2 cappuccino with tulip at least 6 elements
- 2 cappuccino with reverse with rosetta and 4 elements tulip
- 2 espresso with tulip at least 4 elements
Red Grading
Patterns to perform
- 2 cappuccino with tulip at least 8 elements
- 2 cappuccino with reverse with rosetta and 6 elements tulip
- 2 espresso with tulip at least 6 elements
Black Grading
Patterns to perform:
- 1 cappuccino with at least 15 elements vortex
- 1 cappuccino with reverse with a 9 elements tulip
- 2 cappuccinio with 4 rosettas in line
- 1 espresso with 6 elements vortex
- 1 espresso with 8 elements tulip
Gold Grading
Patterns to perform
- 7 rosetta with a 6 elements central tulip
- 1 rosetta with at least 22 elements
- 1 swan with 4 rosetta and rose in head
- 5 rosette: 3 vertical and 2 oblique
- 8 rosette in the shape of snow star
- 1 korean tulip with al least 6 elements with 2 oblique rosette
- 1 espresso with 3 rosette in line
Vannelli’s certificate courses
Barista Course
This course addresses all Baristas and Coffee Lovers who want to know more about coffee: different between Arabica and Robusta and the difference processes. They will learn how to set the grinder, foam correctly the milk for a silky and creamy cappuccino, how to brew a great espresso and learn how to do latte art.
Latte art
This is a course for people who want to learn how to foam correctly the milk, control and deal better flow movements and master latte art techniques and latte art patterns.
The student will have an approach to recognising coffee throughout the tasting and cupping session.
The course will give participants all the tools to evaluate and describe accurately the natural characteristics of the coffee.
This is an educational course based on various extractions of coffee different from the “classic well-known” espresso. The participant will analyse the right ratio between water and coffee, the different grinding settings related to every method.